John Calvin was born in Noyon (Picardy, about 100 km north of Paris, France) and was the son of Gérard Cauvin and Jeanne Lefranc. He was excellent in his studies and very religious from his youth in 1532. His first studies were destined for his career. ecclesiastical. He received his initial training at the Collège de la Marche and the Collège de Montaigne (Erasmus of Rotterdam and Ignatius of Loyola also studied there). Calvin's father was a lawyer and in 1523 he sent John, then 14 years old, to the University of Paris to study Humanities and Law. At the request of his father, who wanted Juan to follow the path of law, he enrolled in the universities of Orléans and Bourgues. In 1532, he received his doctorate in law at Orléans. During his time in the university cloisters he came into contact with the humanistic and reformed ideas of Martin Luther's theology. In April 1532, when he was 22 years old, he published a commentary on Seneca's De Clementia, a work that showed his gifts as a thinker. Protestant Reformation-John Calvin
John Calvin was born in Noyon (Picardy, about 100 km north of Paris, France) and was the son of Gérard Cauvin and Jeanne Lefranc. He was excellent in his studies and very religious from his youth in 1532. His first studies were destined for his career. ecclesiastical. He received his initial training at the Collège de la Marche and the Collège de Montaigne (Erasmus of Rotterdam and Ignatius of Loyola also studied there). Calvin's father was a lawyer and in 1523 he sent John, then 14 years old, to the University of Paris to study Humanities and Law. At the request of his father, who wanted Juan to follow the path of law, he enrolled in the universities of Orléans and Bourgues. In 1532, he received his doctorate in law at Orléans. During his time in the university cloisters he came into contact with the humanistic and reformed ideas of Martin Luther's theology. In April 1532, when he was 22 years old, he published a commentary on Seneca's De Clementia, a work that showed his gifts as a thinker. Protestant Reformation-John Calvin
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