Reksio - a fictional character, the title character of the Polish animated series entitled Reksio, created by one of the directors of the Drawing Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała, Lechosław Marszałek. Reksio lives in a shack next to the owners' house. He can stand on his hind legs, talks to people, animals and aliens. The prototype for the figure of Reksio was the bitch of Lechosław Marszałek, a wire-haired terrier named Trola [1].
Reksio - a fictional character, the title character of the Polish animated series entitled Reksio, created by one of the directors of the Drawing Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała, Lechosław Marszałek. Reksio lives in a shack next to the owners' house. He can stand on his hind legs, talks to people, animals and aliens. The prototype for the figure of Reksio was the bitch of Lechosław Marszałek, a wire-haired terrier named Trola [1].
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