Miś Uszatek - a fictional character, an anthropomorphic teddy bear. Initially, he was the protagonist of the stories of the writer Czesław Janczarski with illustrations by Zbigniew Rychlicki. He first appeared on the screen in the animated short film Miś Uszatek (1962). However, he gained the greatest popularity and fame as the protagonist of the animated series of this title, broadcast in the years 1975–1987.
Miś Uszatek - a fictional character, an anthropomorphic teddy bear. Initially, he was the protagonist of the stories of the writer Czesław Janczarski with illustrations by Zbigniew Rychlicki. He first appeared on the screen in the animated short film Miś Uszatek (1962). However, he gained the greatest popularity and fame as the protagonist of the animated series of this title, broadcast in the years 1975–1987.
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