The series tells about the adventures of the good-natured and wise cat, Leopold, who wants to befriend two mice that tease him - Mitya and Moria. The series of films about Cat Leopold contrasts with the American animated series Tom and Jerry [2]. Leopold the cat is the opposite of Tom. He is calm and is usually the victim [3]. I don't want a war with mice. He keeps repeating the sentence: Guys, let's try to live in harmony (Russian: Ребята, давайте жить дружно).
The series tells about the adventures of the good-natured and wise cat, Leopold, who wants to befriend two mice that tease him - Mitya and Moria. The series of films about Cat Leopold contrasts with the American animated series Tom and Jerry [2]. Leopold the cat is the opposite of Tom. He is calm and is usually the victim [3]. I don't want a war with mice. He keeps repeating the sentence: Guys, let's try to live in harmony (Russian: Ребята, давайте жить дружно).
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