Plot Kubuś Pooh, baby, rabbit and piglet play in a teddy bear, a new game that Winnie came up. To their eyes on the bottom of the river, they see Kłapouche. Friends try to extract donkey from water. Winnie will come up with a plan. He puts a great boulder, with Kłapeuchy flowing down. It turns out that Kojuchy was pushed to the water by a tiger who coughed. Sad poach goes to a hut. Nobody knows that he has a birthday when Winnie will learn about it goes to a piglet. Friends must come up with a birthday gift that later they will give you.
Plot Kubuś Pooh, baby, rabbit and piglet play in a teddy bear, a new game that Winnie came up. To their eyes on the bottom of the river, they see Kłapouche. Friends try to extract donkey from water. Winnie will come up with a plan. He puts a great boulder, with Kłapeuchy flowing down. It turns out that Kojuchy was pushed to the water by a tiger who coughed. Sad poach goes to a hut. Nobody knows that he has a birthday when Winnie will learn about it goes to a piglet. Friends must come up with a birthday gift that later they will give you.
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