A star with Kubus Pooh or Pooh Christmas TOO - American short animated film from 1991, special Christmas episode of the series New Adventures of Kubuś Puchatka. The world premiere took place on December 14, 1991 at the ABC station [1]. In 1992, this animation was nominated for the EMMY award [2], and Tygodnik TV Guide placed it at the sixth ranking of the 10 best Christmas sections [3].
A star with Kubus Pooh or Pooh Christmas TOO - American short animated film from 1991, special Christmas episode of the series New Adventures of Kubuś Puchatka. The world premiere took place on December 14, 1991 at the ABC station [1]. In 1992, this animation was nominated for the EMMY award [2], and Tygodnik TV Guide placed it at the sixth ranking of the 10 best Christmas sections [3].
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