Little Mermaid (The Little Mermaid, 1992-1994) - American animated series Disney label. It was emitted in the Saturday Walt Disney block presented on TVP1. The serial contains 31 sections divided into 3 series. He talks about the adventures of Mermaid named Ariel and her friend Flor. The heroes are also: Ariel's guardian, Crab Sebastian and her father, Król Tryton.
Little Mermaid (The Little Mermaid, 1992-1994) - American animated series Disney label. It was emitted in the Saturday Walt Disney block presented on TVP1. The serial contains 31 sections divided into 3 series. He talks about the adventures of Mermaid named Ariel and her friend Flor. The heroes are also: Ariel's guardian, Crab Sebastian and her father, Król Tryton.
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