Aristocats (The Aristocats) - Animated film was created in 1970 in Walta Disney. This film is considered the last one who was approved by Walt Disney (who died in 1966, when the film was still at an early stage of production). The Aristocats was first displayed in cinemas on December 11, 1970 by Buena Vista Distribution Company. The title of the film is a kind of kalamburu referring to words of aristocrats and a cat.
Aristocats (The Aristocats) - Animated film was created in 1970 in Walta Disney. This film is considered the last one who was approved by Walt Disney (who died in 1966, when the film was still at an early stage of production). The Aristocats was first displayed in cinemas on December 11, 1970 by Buena Vista Distribution Company. The title of the film is a kind of kalamburu referring to words of aristocrats and a cat.
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