The fairy tale tells the story of Rapunzel (played by Barbie), whose action takes place in the times of dragons and magic. Rapunzel is imprisoned by the evil Gothel, who convinced Rapunzel that her parents left her right after she was born. This is how it all starts. Rapunzel one day being in the kitchen with her friends: the dragon - Penelope and the rabbit - Hobbie discovers a tunnel to the town. In the town he saves a girl and this is how he meets her brother Stefan, with whom he immediately falls in love. However, when Gothel finds out about it, he decides to punish her by locking her in the tower. But Rapunzel discovered the magic in the brush, which she got from her parents, when she falls asleep the brush turns into a brush. The next day, Rapunzel, wanting to paint, discovers that the brush is moving to the place you think about. And so, Rapunzel with her friends and beloved Stefan defeats Gothel and finds her parents, and also merges two warring kingdoms into one.
The fairy tale tells the story of Rapunzel (played by Barbie), whose action takes place in the times of dragons and magic. Rapunzel is imprisoned by the evil Gothel, who convinced Rapunzel that her parents left her right after she was born. This is how it all starts. Rapunzel one day being in the kitchen with her friends: the dragon - Penelope and the rabbit - Hobbie discovers a tunnel to the town. In the town he saves a girl and this is how he meets her brother Stefan, with whom he immediately falls in love. However, when Gothel finds out about it, he decides to punish her by locking her in the tower. But Rapunzel discovered the magic in the brush, which she got from her parents, when she falls asleep the brush turns into a brush. The next day, Rapunzel, wanting to paint, discovers that the brush is moving to the place you think about. And so, Rapunzel with her friends and beloved Stefan defeats Gothel and finds her parents, and also merges two warring kingdoms into one.
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