Barbie and the Three Musketeers - American animated film, which premiered in Poland on September 26, 2009 on the MiniMini channel. Corinne wants to become a Musketeer, just like her father, D'Artagnian. She practiced for many years and finally left for Paris to make her dreams come true. However, everyone laughs at her, saying that the girl cannot become a musketeer. Corinne is hired to clean the castle. There he meets three girls - Viveca, Aramina and Renée. They also wanted to be musketeers. Meanwhile, the people of the castle, like "friends of the prince" about to be crowned, are preparing a plot to prevent the prince from becoming king. Everything is to take place at a masked ball. But Corinne and her three friends, who previously worked out a lot under the watchful eye of Grandma (who also cleaned in the castle, but had musketeer skills and helped the girls with exercises), want to save the prince.
Barbie and the Three Musketeers - American animated film, which premiered in Poland on September 26, 2009 on the MiniMini channel. Corinne wants to become a Musketeer, just like her father, D'Artagnian. She practiced for many years and finally left for Paris to make her dreams come true. However, everyone laughs at her, saying that the girl cannot become a musketeer. Corinne is hired to clean the castle. There he meets three girls - Viveca, Aramina and Renée. They also wanted to be musketeers. Meanwhile, the people of the castle, like "friends of the prince" about to be crowned, are preparing a plot to prevent the prince from becoming king. Everything is to take place at a masked ball. But Corinne and her three friends, who previously worked out a lot under the watchful eye of Grandma (who also cleaned in the castle, but had musketeer skills and helped the girls with exercises), want to save the prince.
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