"Emotes" is a story about Mink, who lives in the city of Tekstopolis, whose citizens are emotes, or smileys that express various emotions and more. The role of the city's inhabitants ends with this expression. And so the despair that lives here constantly cries, the laugh is rolling with laughter, and the poop or pizza is just what they are. Contrary to emotes, Mimek can express many emotions and cannot limit himself to one of them. Mink's changing expression is the culprit of the incident, which puts the entire city in danger. The film attracts visitors with its visual aspect, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the action, characters or words. Without a doubt, the best scene is the one inside the phone. The "Emotes" also lacked a clear main idea or an ending that would convey something. The lack of a message or a moral takes away a lot of this story. The idea of making a movie about smileys expressing different emotions and someone who has found themselves in their land is really good. I do not completely cancel this production, but it could definitely be better. Anyway, see for yourself!
"Emotes" is a story about Mink, who lives in the city of Tekstopolis, whose citizens are emotes, or smileys that express various emotions and more. The role of the city's inhabitants ends with this expression. And so the despair that lives here constantly cries, the laugh is rolling with laughter, and the poop or pizza is just what they are. Contrary to emotes, Mimek can express many emotions and cannot limit himself to one of them. Mink's changing expression is the culprit of the incident, which puts the entire city in danger. The film attracts visitors with its visual aspect, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the action, characters or words. Without a doubt, the best scene is the one inside the phone. The "Emotes" also lacked a clear main idea or an ending that would convey something. The lack of a message or a moral takes away a lot of this story. The idea of making a movie about smileys expressing different emotions and someone who has found themselves in their land is really good. I do not completely cancel this production, but it could definitely be better. Anyway, see for yourself!
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