A character created by Kornel Makuszyński (text) and Marian Walentynowicz (color drawings) in one of the first children's picture stories in Poland in 1933. He is still a popular character. the whole series of books (a whole series was created: 120 the adventures of Matołek the goat, the second book of the adventures of Koziołek Matołek, the third book of the adventures of Koziołek Matołek and the fourth book of the adventures of Matołek Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship), the only place in the world where goats supposedly shoe. The adventures are, of course, extraordinary and absolutely unbelievable, the goat is lovable and gullible, funny and headless, clumsy and kindly naive.
A character created by Kornel Makuszyński (text) and Marian Walentynowicz (color drawings) in one of the first children's picture stories in Poland in 1933. He is still a popular character. the whole series of books (a whole series was created: 120 the adventures of Matołek the goat, the second book of the adventures of Koziołek Matołek, the third book of the adventures of Koziołek Matołek and the fourth book of the adventures of Matołek Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship), the only place in the world where goats supposedly shoe. The adventures are, of course, extraordinary and absolutely unbelievable, the goat is lovable and gullible, funny and headless, clumsy and kindly naive.
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