Sakakini is the name of a Cairo neighborhood that was originally part of El Zaher. It received its name as a memory of the Syrian family that built their palace there. It was actually Count Gabriel Habib Sakakini Pasha who, in 1897, built the residence and a church in the region. The Rococo style of architecture and the distinctive appearance of the building were inspired by an Italian mansion that Sakakini had once seen, and which had made an excellent impression on him.
Sakakini is the name of a Cairo neighborhood that was originally part of El Zaher. It received its name as a memory of the Syrian family that built their palace there. It was actually Count Gabriel Habib Sakakini Pasha who, in 1897, built the residence and a church in the region. The Rococo style of architecture and the distinctive appearance of the building were inspired by an Italian mansion that Sakakini had once seen, and which had made an excellent impression on him.
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