The visionary and enterprising spirit of Guido Carrasco Rodríguez, inspired by the spectacular landscape of the "Cajas" with its surroundings of innumerable lagoons surrounded by exuberant paramo vegetation, rich in biodiversity of wild flora and fauna, made him decide thirty years ago to acquire an extensive owned by the Toral Amador family. Thus creating the cafeteria Dos Chorreras Dos, Chorreras
The visionary and enterprising spirit of Guido Carrasco Rodríguez, inspired by the spectacular landscape of the "Cajas" with its surroundings of innumerable lagoons surrounded by exuberant paramo vegetation, rich in biodiversity of wild flora and fauna, made him decide thirty years ago to acquire an extensive owned by the Toral Amador family. Thus creating the cafeteria Dos Chorreras Dos, Chorreras
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