1752 When Carlo di Borbone decided to buy Lake Fusaro, making you build an octagonal cottage in the middle, destined for hunting and fishing. Thirty years later, in 1782, Ferdinando IV of Borbone entrusted to the architect Carlo Vanvitelli, son of Luigi, the task of building the Royal Casina del Fusaro, known to the more like Casina Vanvitelliana.
1752 When Carlo di Borbone decided to buy Lake Fusaro, making you build an octagonal cottage in the middle, destined for hunting and fishing. Thirty years later, in 1782, Ferdinando IV of Borbone entrusted to the architect Carlo Vanvitelli, son of Luigi, the task of building the Royal Casina del Fusaro, known to the more like Casina Vanvitelliana.
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