A HISTORICAL SHOW AND A HUMAN ADVENTURE Created in 1995, the show is a collective work. Born from the pen of a history enthusiast, it takes no less than 200 extras (all volunteers and residents of Sévérac d´Aveyron), 600 costumes, 30 stages... to bring it to life for 1h40 of breathtaking staging. After 23 editions of "La Légende de Jean Fol" and a 24th edition named "Sévérac, l'Histoire au fil du temps", the association Mémoires de Sévérac is putting together a new show for the summer of 2020: "Stones and Men "!
A HISTORICAL SHOW AND A HUMAN ADVENTURE Created in 1995, the show is a collective work. Born from the pen of a history enthusiast, it takes no less than 200 extras (all volunteers and residents of Sévérac d´Aveyron), 600 costumes, 30 stages... to bring it to life for 1h40 of breathtaking staging. After 23 editions of "La Légende de Jean Fol" and a 24th edition named "Sévérac, l'Histoire au fil du temps", the association Mémoires de Sévérac is putting together a new show for the summer of 2020: "Stones and Men "!
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