İznik (hist. Nice, stgr. Νίκαια Nikaja, Latin. Nicaea) - a city in the northwest of Turkey, in Bursa, on the northwestern tip of the Asia Minor peninsula. In antiquity and the Middle Ages in Bithynia. There were two councils (in AD 325 and AD 787). After the conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders and the creation of the Latin Empire in Byzantine lands in 1204, Nice became the capital of the Empire of Nicaea and the center of the revival of the Byzantine Empire. The city fell prey to the Turks in 1331.
İznik (hist. Nice, stgr. Νίκαια Nikaja, Latin. Nicaea) - a city in the northwest of Turkey, in Bursa, on the northwestern tip of the Asia Minor peninsula. In antiquity and the Middle Ages in Bithynia. There were two councils (in AD 325 and AD 787). After the conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders and the creation of the Latin Empire in Byzantine lands in 1204, Nice became the capital of the Empire of Nicaea and the center of the revival of the Byzantine Empire. The city fell prey to the Turks in 1331.
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