"Platero is small, hairy, soft; so soft on the outside, that it would seem all cotton, that he has no bones." Thus begins the lyrical work in prose, Platero yo, written by Juan Ramón Jiménez, in 1914. The book is constituted by brief images that do not have a thematic order among themselves and respond to impressions, sensations and memories of Moguer (his hometown) in Juan Ramón Jiménez's childhood. It appears as a diary where the most interesting aspects of reality, the thoughts and feelings of the author are detailed. However, it is neither a diary nor an autobiographical book, but a selection of stories taken from the same real environment and chosen from the multiple memories of the past. For all of his work and for this one in particular, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956. He was born in Moguer, Huelva on December 23, 1881 and died in Puerto Rico on May 29, 1958.
"Platero is small, hairy, soft; so soft on the outside, that it would seem all cotton, that he has no bones." Thus begins the lyrical work in prose, Platero yo, written by Juan Ramón Jiménez, in 1914. The book is constituted by brief images that do not have a thematic order among themselves and respond to impressions, sensations and memories of Moguer (his hometown) in Juan Ramón Jiménez's childhood. It appears as a diary where the most interesting aspects of reality, the thoughts and feelings of the author are detailed. However, it is neither a diary nor an autobiographical book, but a selection of stories taken from the same real environment and chosen from the multiple memories of the past. For all of his work and for this one in particular, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956. He was born in Moguer, Huelva on December 23, 1881 and died in Puerto Rico on May 29, 1958.
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