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Dreaming Jaguar - Endangered online puzzle

10.0 Sylvie 54 2022-02-19
Dreaming Jaguar - Endangered jigsaw puzzle online

Why is the jaguar endangered? The jaguar has lost more than half of its habitat due to destructive human activities: intensive agriculture, logging and road construction. ---- The jaguar is the largest feline in America. The jaguar is a carnivorous mammal of the Felidae family. It is one of the five "big cats" of the genus Panthera, along with the tiger, lion, snow leopard and leopard. [Wikipedia] ---- The jaguar's hunting technique is unknown to other felines, discreet approach and brief attack, it bites its prey at the neck to break the spine. Image from the comics www. wallpaperflare. com (free wallpapers) ------ animals, felines, genus panthera, jaguar, america, dreamy, feelgood, mammal, carnivore, beauty, miracle, life, creation, endangered, endangered, disaster, ecology, environment, cute

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