The series describes the adventures of heroic dogs - Chase the shepherd dog, Marshall Dalmatian, Rubble's bulldog, Rocky's mongrel, Zuma's Labrador girls (in the English version of Labrador), Skye cockapoo female, which together with 10-year-old boy Rider set out to save the needy and face threats.. Sometimes they are also helped by a Siberian husky named Everest (in the English version a female), a Chihuahua Tracker, golden retrievers Tuck and Ella and a Bernese mountain dog Rex.
The series describes the adventures of heroic dogs - Chase the shepherd dog, Marshall Dalmatian, Rubble's bulldog, Rocky's mongrel, Zuma's Labrador girls (in the English version of Labrador), Skye cockapoo female, which together with 10-year-old boy Rider set out to save the needy and face threats.. Sometimes they are also helped by a Siberian husky named Everest (in the English version a female), a Chihuahua Tracker, golden retrievers Tuck and Ella and a Bernese mountain dog Rex.
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