Vintage tarsius ficus tree (tarsius tarsii) portrait in kuala lumpur national park, indonesia. It is the largest wild animal in wild and food reserve in the jungles of asia. Big-tailed tangkoko tarsius (taurus ficus) on the grass. Spectral spectrum of the mammal. Portrait of a large, cryptic specimen of the wild animal in koh samut national park in indones.
Vintage tarsius ficus tree (tarsius tarsii) portrait in kuala lumpur national park, indonesia. It is the largest wild animal in wild and food reserve in the jungles of asia. Big-tailed tangkoko tarsius (taurus ficus) on the grass. Spectral spectrum of the mammal. Portrait of a large, cryptic specimen of the wild animal in koh samut national park in indones.
Photo by ondrejprosicky
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