Dinosaur Park - an open-air theme park with life-size models (reconstructions) of dinosaurs, including mobile ones. Some of the parks are located in the area of palaeontological excavations (Krasiejów, Bałtów), while others are part of larger entertainment complexes (Ochaby) or zoos (Dinosaur Valley in the Silesian Zoological Garden). At some of them there are museums presenting geological exhibits (fossils, minerals).
Dinosaur Park - an open-air theme park with life-size models (reconstructions) of dinosaurs, including mobile ones. Some of the parks are located in the area of palaeontological excavations (Krasiejów, Bałtów), while others are part of larger entertainment complexes (Ochaby) or zoos (Dinosaur Valley in the Silesian Zoological Garden). At some of them there are museums presenting geological exhibits (fossils, minerals).
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