HomepageCategoriesAnimalsAnimals threatened with extinction - ounce-painted Animals threatened with extinction - ounce-painted online puzzle Vanessa 54 2021-06-22 3x2 - 6 pieces4x3 - 12 pieces5x3 - 15 pieces6x4 - 24 pieces7x5 - 35 pieces9x6 - 54 pieces10x7 - 70 pieces11x7 - 77 pieces12x8 - 96 pieces13x9 - 117 pieces14x9 - 126 pieces15x10 - 150 pieces18x12 - 216 pieces19x13 - 247 pieces27x18 - 486 pieces39x26 - 1014 pieces Start a new game 54 Vanessa 2021-06-22 99 0 Share Favorite Help Mount your puzzle by dragging the parts to the correct location. At the end, ask for an adult to read the animal's name. Best results for size Show all results Dog Cat Tiger Water Deer Mammal Organism Head Pattern Snout Whiskers Fur Eye Carnivore Cheetah Big cat Terrestrial animal Leopard Terrestrial plant Felidae Jaguar Adaptation African leopard Wildlife front Play similar puzzle Comments Rate this game No votes yet - be the first Your vote: Add comment Sign in to add your comments. Log in Add a comment Other puzzle from the Animals category
Mount your puzzle by dragging the parts to the correct location. At the end, ask for an adult to read the animal's name.
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