African Lion [27], Lion [28] (Panthera Leo) - a species of a carnivorous land mammal from the subfamily Panther in the kotowy family, the other after the tiger - which is larger - among five large cats. The only cat living in organized social groups, belonging to the so-called Great Friday Africa - five most dangerous African animals (elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, lion and leopard). Male Lion, easily recognizable after the mane, can weigh 150-200 kg. The biggest known male weighed 375 kg, was a lion named Simba, he lived until 1970 in Colchester Zoo. The females are much smaller, weigh 120-180 kg (the largest 185 kg) and have no mane. Males deal with the acquisition and defense of territory and protection of herd and Following females. Females hunt and look after Lobles. Lions once inhabited Africa, Asia and Europe, and if they consider US Lions for the subspecies of Panthera Leo - it is also North and South America. Today, they only occur in Africa, where they are exposed to extinction and residue in India, where their limit states were defined as critical.
African Lion [27], Lion [28] (Panthera Leo) - a species of a carnivorous land mammal from the subfamily Panther in the kotowy family, the other after the tiger - which is larger - among five large cats. The only cat living in organized social groups, belonging to the so-called Great Friday Africa - five most dangerous African animals (elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, lion and leopard). Male Lion, easily recognizable after the mane, can weigh 150-200 kg. The biggest known male weighed 375 kg, was a lion named Simba, he lived until 1970 in Colchester Zoo. The females are much smaller, weigh 120-180 kg (the largest 185 kg) and have no mane. Males deal with the acquisition and defense of territory and protection of herd and Following females. Females hunt and look after Lobles. Lions once inhabited Africa, Asia and Europe, and if they consider US Lions for the subspecies of Panthera Leo - it is also North and South America. Today, they only occur in Africa, where they are exposed to extinction and residue in India, where their limit states were defined as critical.
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