Buffalo [2] (Alcelaphus) - a genus of a large mammal from the beef family [3], the African ungulate scientifically described by the German zoologist Pallas in 1766. Different authors mention different numbers of species, within which there are 8 subspecies. It reaches a height of 1 m at the withers, the length of the head and body is in the range of 200–250 cm, and the weight is between 100 and 200 kg. The animal has a particularly elongated forehead and bizarrely shaped horns, a short neck and pointed ears. Extremely long limbs are decorated with black markings. The fur is short, shiny, with a color depending on the subspecies - from sandy brown in Western buffaloes to chocolate brown in Ethiopian buffalos. However, in all subspecies both sexes have horns, although the females are slightly slender. The horns can grow up to 45–70 cm in length. In addition to their elongated face, buffaloes are distinguished from their relatives by a large chest and sharply sloping back.
Buffalo [2] (Alcelaphus) - a genus of a large mammal from the beef family [3], the African ungulate scientifically described by the German zoologist Pallas in 1766. Different authors mention different numbers of species, within which there are 8 subspecies. It reaches a height of 1 m at the withers, the length of the head and body is in the range of 200–250 cm, and the weight is between 100 and 200 kg. The animal has a particularly elongated forehead and bizarrely shaped horns, a short neck and pointed ears. Extremely long limbs are decorated with black markings. The fur is short, shiny, with a color depending on the subspecies - from sandy brown in Western buffaloes to chocolate brown in Ethiopian buffalos. However, in all subspecies both sexes have horns, although the females are slightly slender. The horns can grow up to 45–70 cm in length. In addition to their elongated face, buffaloes are distinguished from their relatives by a large chest and sharply sloping back.
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