Shrek - American animated film from 2001 directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson, which is an adaptation of the illustrated book Shrek! by William Steig. The film was awarded the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film at the 74th Academy Awards. It was the first Oscar in this category as the award began in 2002. The songs in the film are sung by Smash Mouth, Joan Jett, The Proclaimers, Jason Wade, The Baha Men and Rufus Wainwright. The animation had several sequels: Shrek 2 in 2004, Shrek the Third in 2007 and Shrek Forever in 2010 [1].
Shrek - American animated film from 2001 directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson, which is an adaptation of the illustrated book Shrek! by William Steig. The film was awarded the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film at the 74th Academy Awards. It was the first Oscar in this category as the award began in 2002. The songs in the film are sung by Smash Mouth, Joan Jett, The Proclaimers, Jason Wade, The Baha Men and Rufus Wainwright. The animation had several sequels: Shrek 2 in 2004, Shrek the Third in 2007 and Shrek Forever in 2010 [1].
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