Japanese macaque [3] [4] (Macaca fuscata) - a species of the narrow-nosed ape of the family of vervets (Cercopithecidae). Of all the wild primates, its acreage reaches the furthest north and includes the Japanese islands of Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu [5]. The animal is known for its learning abilities. It is found in Japanese mythology, literature and art.
Japanese macaque [3] [4] (Macaca fuscata) - a species of the narrow-nosed ape of the family of vervets (Cercopithecidae). Of all the wild primates, its acreage reaches the furthest north and includes the Japanese islands of Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu [5]. The animal is known for its learning abilities. It is found in Japanese mythology, literature and art.
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