The Dutch Shepherd, like other shepherd dogs, has a strong sense of belonging to the herd. He is devoted to the whole family, but the most loyal to one person he chooses. He gets along well with children, if they are not too intrusive towards him. He also lives in harmony with pets. Like his Belgian cousins, he reacts quickly to changes in the environment. It can bite a person who he thinks is a threat. Although active, the Dutch Shepherd is not as lively as the Belgian. He can live in the city - provided he is provided with movement and mental activities.
The Dutch Shepherd, like other shepherd dogs, has a strong sense of belonging to the herd. He is devoted to the whole family, but the most loyal to one person he chooses. He gets along well with children, if they are not too intrusive towards him. He also lives in harmony with pets. Like his Belgian cousins, he reacts quickly to changes in the environment. It can bite a person who he thinks is a threat. Although active, the Dutch Shepherd is not as lively as the Belgian. He can live in the city - provided he is provided with movement and mental activities.
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